Welcome to the Firestone Robotics website! We are a group of individuals with a similar mindset; think, create, destroy, and repeat.
We compete in VEX Robotics tournaments all across the state every year and work our hardest to create not only decent robots but also knowledgeable students and leaders of the future.
The club is lead by the club president, Jared Borodkin, and our advisor Dan Spak, as well as the hundreds of helpful parents and volunteers.
We can't wait to compete during this 2018 - 2019 season and hope to see everyone at worlds this year!
Nothing but net...

The layout of a Nothing but Net field at the North Union High School Qualifier on October 31, 2015
Club continued to grow, and the number of competitions doubled! On top of that, the 2015-2016 season was the first with official team uniforms for all Firestone teams, which had an alteration of the shirt color and logo color to make each team unique. However, the first season without most of the members of the first Worlds team put the club to the test.
TEam 7316A
Members (From left): Austin Kannai, Jasper Nitzsche, Michelle Reitz, Jacob Lormor, Carissa Eplin, Josh George
Team 7316A won two awards but ultimately did not reach the State Championship that year

TEAM 7316B

Members (From Left):
Pictured: Aaron Bowie, Kelsea Ray, Charlie Gruhler, Carly Justice, Melissa Cardew
Not Pictured: Vy Truong
Team 7316B won multiple awards during this season and reached States for the first time in the team's history.
team 7316c
Members (From Left): Maddie Hillyard, Nathan Bayda, Taran Lee, Alex Stallsmith, Logan Benninghoff
Team 7316C won many awards at multiple competitions throughout the season, but couldn't qualify for Worlds despite a second-straight trip to States

Team 7316d

Members (From Left): Libby Horwitz, Moira Spinos, Jared Borodkin, Mike Skerlong, Nicolai Reuter
Team 7316D won numerous awards throughout the year, qualifying for States
team 7316E
Members (From left): Rachel Wasik, Maggie Vopat, Chris Wertenberger, Nick Raymond, Josh Ison
Team 7316E became the second Firestone team to qualify for Worlds! They did so by winning the Tournament at States! In Louisville, Kentucky, they won the Judges Award, which would be the first Worlds award brought back to Akron!

LOCk-in begins!
Beginning during the Nothing But Net season, Firestone Robotics has had an annual Lock-In event from the end of school on a Friday to sunrise the next day. The tradition has typically occurred in September before the first competition.