After our states competition at Marion high school last Friday and Saturday (March 4-5), there's some good and bad news. The good news is... One of our teams won! Break out the streamers and party hats, we're going to worlds! Then there's the bad news. Not everyone can pull off a win at states, so it's time to pay our respects to our "fallen" tributes.
The alliance of teams 7316E, 9185 and 7882B took home the Tournament Champion Award, qualifying all three teams for worlds and making them the proud owners of a fancy new trophy.

In order to prepare for worlds, 7316E is redesigning/rebuilding their robot, so that it can be competitive at worlds. They plan to keep their original flywheel for close range shooting, but all other sections are being reworked. The intake is going to become a vertical conveyor to elevate the flywheel and make pickup easier, since balls can be picked up from the front of the robot. The speed of the drive train will be reduced, in order to keep motors from burning out. Finally they plan to add a nautilus gear (in layman's/my own terms, a slingshot) to shoot long distance. This new design will make 7316E's robot more versatile and hopefully help them do well at worlds.
So, what happened to the rest of our teams at states? 7316B, 7316C and 7316D were all allianced together and got knocked out in the quarterfinals. Who did we lose to you may ask? The third alliance, also known as the combination of teams 7316E, 9185 and 7882B. So, although there may be some animosity in the air, we're still happy for 7316E and are glad they will be representing us at worlds. Afterwards a pizza party was held in honor of our time at states and then our teams parted way to go work on 7316E's robot and to prepare for next year.
~Logan Benninghoff Website editor