It's That Time Again!
General Information
The 2018 Turning Point Robotics Lock-In has been scheduled by your officers. This project will take place for the full duration of one night and will be filled with hard work, snacks, and most importantly, team bonding!
When - September 14th, 3:30 PM to September 15th, 6:00 AM.
Where - The Firestone Robotics Lock-In will be held primarily in room 114, though we will also be allowed access to room 118, the Courtyard, and the Cafeteria.
Who - Firestone Robotics Students and Parents will all be accepted. (We need parents to sign up to supervise for four hour shifts between 3:30 and 6:00. Please contact Sheri Stallsmith to sign up!)
3:30 PM / 3:50 PM - Everyone will sign in and prepare for a club meeting.
4:00 PM - Rules, regulations & housekeeping.
4:20 PM - Separate into teams and begin working.
6:00 PM - Dinner begins.
11:00 PM / 12:00 PM - Team bonding time with a surprise from your officers. (Mandatory fun!)
6:00 AM - Lock-In is finished.
Be respectful to yourself and others.
Listen to parents and advisers.
Be appropriate. (All school rules apply.)
Be open minded. (If any issues with teammates or other club members arise, please try to resolve it calmly or refer to an officer or adviser.)
Keep to the agenda as much as possible.
Items appropriate for the lock-in include everything needed overnight; pillows, toothbrush, pajamas, snacks, etc.
Don't work yourself too hard, but make sure to get work done!
Throw all trash away!
Keep your belongings in your own area to avoid losing them.
The mess you create is the mess that you clean.
Parts may NOT be stored for later usage. Please remember to be courteous and share the pieces.
A Final Word
We hope that everyone enjoys this year's annual lock-in and please ask that you contact us if you have any requests or suggestions for the lock-in. Thank you for listening and we hope to see you there!
~ Aine Bolton
Media Officer