The blog is back from the land of the dead! It just took 2 editors, 10 months and a cheesy title! A lot has happened since our last update, starting with the kick-off of the new vex competition for the 2015-2016 season, Nothing But Net. Details on the new competition here. In order to prepare for the new competition, our robotics club decided to have a lock-in to build our robots. We came in at 3:25 on October 3rd and left at 12:00 the next morning, with functioning robots (mostly). Since then, we've had 6 competitions, with a team taking home an award at every one of them. Now we're revving up for states, streamlining our robots and tuning our programs.

Four out of five teams have qualified for states this year, 7316B, 7316C, 7316D and 7316E. Teams B and C qualified by winning the excellence awards at our first, third and fifth competitions. In addition, team E also won an excellence award at our second and fourth competitions. 7316D and 7316E qualified by being tournament champions in two of the competitions. Sadly, team 7316A did not qualify, although they did take a programming award at one of the competitions.
7316B - Added a high speed motor to the intake, inverted the placement of the wheels and gears to fit up 7316C's ramp and are practicing driving for competition. 7316C - Worked on refining rpm control code, made our ramp more accessible and investigated ways to make our robot faster. 7316D - Focusing on driver practice and adjusting small issues in the construction of the robot. 7316E - Driver practice and focusing more on the log to improve our chances of winning excellence.
~Logan Benninghoff Programmer, Designer, Logger and now, website co-editor