The course for this year: Shooting Star. For the first time ever, we have incorporated hand eye coordination into our normally speed driven competition. Designed by our senior Engineering Development and Design class, Shooting Star has some tight turns, long stretches, and an opportunity to score bonus points by shooting a ball into a goal at the peak of their run.
Students will build boats out of cardboard, duct tape, saran wrap and wood glue in class, and compete against each other in a race.
Juniors in the Project Lead the Way program trade the cardboard boats for tin foil canoes; balsa wood, twine and hot melt glue for a frame, and duct tape and-you guessed it-tin foil for siding.
Students from ten schools in the district will come together for a day of competition, as well as four adult teams, comprised of teachers from Firestone, STEM and Litchfield; and members of the Board of Education.
Stay tuned for results and more information!
~ Sarah Edwards