The GPD Employees' Foundation

If not for our amazing sponsors at the GPD Foundation, Firestone Robotics would not be where it is today. The GPD Employee's Foundation is a group located in Akron, Ohio that aims to enrich and educate students in K-12 public education. They have sponsored us for five years now and we hope to continue seeing them help us on the road to success for years to come.

With their help, we have been able to prove ourselves and our engineering capabilities not only to the rest of our home state of Ohio, but to the rest of the nation, and even the world. For that reason, we are plenty thankful for their assistance in creating the bright minds of the future. We have all learned many skills due to their help, such as programming, building, problem solving, time management, and teamwork.

Thank you, GPD, for making a difference in the world and helping us strive to be our best.
- Sincerely, all of club.