Hello everyone, we have an update on how VEX States will proceed. This information was covered in club on Tuesday, February 12th, and is included below to make sure that everyone is up to date. All information is subject to change though.
Student Fees We are asking that all students pay 20$ each to cover the cost of the tour of the Mansfield Reformatory and the rental of the banquet room for dinner. The Booster Club will pick up the remaining cost. Please turn this money in to either one of the Booster Club officers, Spak, or a Club Officer.
Dinner at States
We will be renting out a banquet room for the night of States, March 1st. Family and friends are allowed and encouraged to attend.
Additional Club Dates
We will be having club on Friday, February 15th. 9:00 to 3:00. Students are responsible for their own food. There will be no club this Saturday.
We will be having a scrimmage on Saturday, February 23rd in Spak's room. STEM has been invited to this scrimmage. Please arrive at 9 am as matches will begin at 9:30. Pizza and soda will be provided and it is expected to end at around 3 pm. Chris Morris will be judging the matches and each team is expected to receive about 10 matches. Robotics Banquet
The annual Robotics Banquet is planned to be on Thursday, May 2nd, at 6:00 pm in the Litchfield/Firestone Cafeteria. Tina Lee, (Liam's mother,) has offered to chair the banquet committee and is looking for assistance. If you have any questions about the information provided above, please ask a Club Officer, Booster Officer, or Spak.